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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

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Find the One


Discover Your Visionary Idea

You’ve worked hard to become an expert in your area. You’ve done the research. You’ve read the books. You’ve tried it yourself. And you know how to lead and teach your team.

But you’re not the only expert.

In fact, the expert industry is pretty competitive.

For every expert that comes up with seven tips and tricks for faster results, there’s another expert that discovers ten. And then another, who discovers twelve!

You want to stand out among the experts in your field. And figuring out how to do that can be difficult.

But the truth is… you don’t want to be an expert at all.

Not when you can be a visionary instead.

You see, being a visionary is much easier. There’s not many of them. They’re always in demand. People love to hear their ideas. They get paid the big bucks for their keynote speeches.

Because they don’t share how-to information, or simple tips and tricks. They perform visionary speeches.

And you can too.

You can turn a good idea into an idea worth spreading.

To craft a visionary speech, you need to craft a big idea that becomes your core message. You need to actively form a new approach. And you need to question conventional wisdom.

You have to find that one big idea that will revolutionize your speech and take you from expert… to visionary.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover:

• How to find that one thing that will propel you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town (in fact, you might even already have it).

• What the Visionary Quest Matrix is and how to use it to classify your speech (this will help you make your content more visionary).

• The 2 things you need to do to create a visionary big idea (these two things are your golden ticket into visionary town).

• One exciting example of a speaker who moved from Expertville to Visionary Town almost overnight (and completely by accident!).

• How to distinguish your big idea from your promise (and why doing this is essential for a visionary speech).

It’s no simple task, but with visionary HEROIC Faculty members guiding you along the way, you’ll get feedback, suggestions, and instruction that will turn your good idea into a transformational speech.

Craft your speech with a visionary idea that will set you apart from the rest and transform you from expert to visionary.


Create Your Signature IP

Your intellectual property is your unique core message. It's the base for your speech, but that’s not all.

You can use your unique intellectual property to teach workshops, create breakout sessions, build a podcast, start a YouTube channel, and start licensing.

This could build your entire business model, for many, many years to come.

Your intellectual property is so valuable, because your visionary idea is part of it. It’s the money-maker.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we’ll teach you exactly how to create your signature intellectual property. We’ll guide you through the entire process, giving you feedback along the way.

It all begins with your big idea.

We’ll help you get your big idea on paper and onto the stage... even if you don’t have a big idea.

Because we get it, crafting a visionary big idea is hard. And if you don’t have a big idea (yet), you’re not alone.

In fact, roughly 40% of students in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery come into the course without a topic idea for their performance.

But by Week 4, every single student has their big idea down on paper.

In fact, you’ll even get live, direct, and personalized feedback from AJ about your big idea—so you know exactly what to fix and improve to finally perfect this essential part of your message.

You won’t just write down your big idea. You’ll craft a visionary big idea that will guide your speech writing, propel your career and take you from expert to visionary.

We’ll also show you:

• The 3 things your big idea needs to capture your audience’s interest and change their mindset forever.

• The Foundational 5 Worksheet that will help you lay a strong, solid foundation for your speech (you’ll look back on this again and again as you craft your script).

• What the difference between the core message and the big idea is―and why it matters for you and your performance.

• The big idea development process you can use over and over again to create big ideas for the rest of your speaking career.

7 simple questions to ask yourself to find your big idea.

• How to do the “so what” test on your big idea to make it stronger, more persuasive, and more inspiring.

• How to make sure your big idea supports the goals you have for your speech.

And we’ll answer some of the most important questions that speakers and thought leaders have about big ideas. Questions like:

How do I create a big idea that resonates with my diverse audiences?

Does my big idea have to be different?

Is my big idea BIG enough?

Each week, you’ll find answers to your questions in live Masterclass sessions and move closer and closer to perfecting your visionary big idea.

Once you create your big idea during the GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program, you’ll be able to apply the big idea development process to any type of speech or presentation you give for the rest of your life.

Craft your speech with a big idea that changes lives.  


Apply the HEROIC Speech Writing Formula

Maybe you’ve tried scripting a speech before. You know, it’s not easy.

Many speakers have tried to write out their content, only to end up feeling frustrated that their content sounds boring or difficult to memorize. Some write an entire script—and memorize it—only to be disappointed (and later give up) when they realize they seem robotic during their speech.

So instead, they start winging their presentations. Maybe you’ve done it too.

You might even feel that you perform better without a script.

But it’s not because using a script doesn’t work.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The reason script writing (at first) doesn’t work for many speakers is because they don’t know how to write content that sounds like conversational language.

And they don’t have the HEROIC formula for script writing success.

To deliver a truly transformational performance, you need a script.

If you’ve ever wondered where to even begin, or how to connect your ideas, or how to write so that it sounds like it’s actually you speaking, or how to write something that’s truly inspiring and life-changing…

You’ve come to the right place.

When you embark on this speech writing journey, you’ll do a deep dive into transforming one big idea, one script, one speech.

It can be a new speech you’ve been wanting to write…

An important presentation you want to improve…

A particularly troublesome script that you’ve been working on for a long time...

A breakout session or workshop you want to fix…

Whatever you want.

You choose. And we help you finish it, revise it, improve it, and transform it―until it delivers.

HEROIC has a repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

And it’s the most efficient and effective way to develop content.  

It’s much easier than what you’re doing right now. Especially when you have the best in the industry guiding you along the way.

This simple content development process has worked for hundreds of aspiring and professional speakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.

We’ll guide you through the entire process and give you everything you need to differentiate your content and write a speech that creates change.

You’ll discover that as you internalize the process and the concepts more profoundly, you’ll be able to repeat this process over and over for all of your future speeches, performances, and presentations. You’ll also discover:

• The cataloging content process that makes it easier to create content, easier for you to remember, and easier for your audience to understand and retain.

How to source, gather, and filter content—and what content, stories, and data you need for your speech.

How to easily expand or condense your content—without rewriting your speech every time.

The 6-step content development process that makes everything easier—some students have even called it liberating!

The different types of content you need—to make your presentation even more effective and entertaining.

• The 6 major things you should check while editing your script—this editing checklist is a must-have for every scriptwriter.

5 elements of an effective title and subtitle―create an eye-catching and desire-provoking name for your speech.

We’ll walk you through the process of outlining, drafting, editing, and revising your script.

As you take a deep dive into this process, not only will you complete the speech you’ve chosen, you’ll also learn the skills you need to repeat this process over and over for your future speeches as well.

Writing a winning speech can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Craft your speech faster than ever before with HEROIC’s repeatable and reliable speech writing process.


Find Your Creative Flow

If you’ve ever sat at your desk, stared at a blank document, and waited for inspiration to strike, you probably know what disappointment feels like.

Creativity usually doesn’t just explode from nothing.

And waiting for a creative spark before you start to write your speech, find a new big idea, or create a new business plan or entrepreneurial endeavor isn’t very productive.

It can even be procrastination in disguise.

You see, creativity happens when you’ve researched your material, gathered your content, organized your thoughts, and started the writing process.

Because creativity always stems from something—a story you want to tell, information you want to share, inspiring speeches you remember.

That’s why staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration usually doesn’t work.  

Creativity probably won’t come to you in the moment, but you can set yourself up for more creative moments.

And it all starts with outlining your speech.

You see, outlining your speech actually leads to more creative discovery. It frees up your brain to make connections and come up with new ideas.

Rather than having to sort through and organize your ideas every time you try to create new content, you’ll have everything outlined, you’ll know exactly what you need to create and where it fits best.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll discover different speech frameworks you can use to outline your speech. You’ll choose which one is best for you, and then you’ll start outlining your speech.  

As you walk through the speech outlining process, you’ll discover:  

7 different frameworks for organizing and structuring your speech (and how to choose the right one).

• The 4-step process for cataloging content that makes it easier to create your speech (and also easier for your audience to understand your speech).

One of the most effective outline structures for speakers who have a LOT of content and speak to different audiences (this structure makes it easy to swap out content and tweak your speech for different fractals).

How to use the 3-act structure to craft a theatrical performance that will feel like a story for your audience (and keep them on the edge of their seats for your entire performance).

• The best speech structure for speakers who want to easily expand or reduce their content (this is perfect for speakers who do it all—keynotes, workshops, Ted-style presentations, and more).

Why you don’t need to make ALL your content fit, and what 3 things you can use as a content filter when deciding what to cut and what to keep.

Whether you’ve outlined speeches before or whether it’s your first time outlining a speech, we’ll show you different structural options for your outline and give you professional feedback on your outline.

So stop waiting for creativity to strike while you’re in the shower. And start outlining your speech the HEROIC way.

Craft your speech and fill it with creativity and inspiration using an organized outline reviewed and approved by the HEROIC Writing Faculty.


Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block.

Any time you try to make something from nothing, you’ll encounter resistance.

Sometimes it’s feelings of insecurity and thoughts that you’re not good enough. Other times it’s questions that bombard your mind. Sometimes the problem might be the simple fact that you don’t yet know how to create what you want to create.

When writing your speech, you’ll face resistance.

Some call it writer’s block. Others call it a lack of inspiration. Burnout. Writing crisis. Creative drought.

But the truth is, none of that is the real problem. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re any good at writing or not.

When you shift your focus from your inadequacy to simply writing a certain amount of words each day, you’ll discover that consistency is more important than talent.

Stop wondering: Is this any good? Who cares what I have to say?

And start writing—just a few words—every single day. Before you know it, you’ll have written a 7,000-word first draft.

Whether you enjoy writing and consider yourself an experienced writer, or whether you avoid writing like the plague, the techniques you learn to overcome resistance will help you get words down on paper—even when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll get visionary tools and tricks from AJ Harper and the HEROIC Writing Faculty. AJ alone has more than 30 years of experience as a writer.

As you write your first draft, you’ll discover:

• Why you should shift your focus from English to math when you’re writing (and how this can help you push through writer’s block).  

A simple way to break down writing that can calm your nerves (and make writing much more manageable).

7 tips and tricks for getting started writing when you hit a roadblock (Rough days happen to even the best writers, but this will get you past it).

One simple thing you can do every single day to quiet your inner critic (it can take as few as 5 minutes, but it can increase your confidence and destroy paralyzing pessimistic thoughts).

Two easy writing prompts to help you start writing (start your writing session with these and watch the words flow from your fingertips).

One easy thing you can do on the really rough days when you just really don’t feel creative at all (this trick will help you keep working on your speech, even when you don’t want to).

Accept the fact that every day when you sit down and write, you’ll experience resistance. But there are simple things you can do to beat your blocks and continue writing your speech.

There are specific writing techniques the most experienced writers use to finish their first draft, and we’ll show you how you can use them too.

Oh, and here’s a secret: your first draft is going to suck.

There’s no other way around it. It’s not going to be pretty.

But a horrendously bad first draft can turn into an incredibly powerful speech.

In fact, we promise you it will.

Because you’ll receive professional feedback and advice from visionary writers, speechwriters, and speakers that will let you transform your first draft into a referable speech.

Craft your speech, overcome resistance, and get professional feedback every step of the way—no matter how challenging writing seems to you.


Craft Captivating Stories

Your stories, your own stories, are powerful.

But telling them in a way that’s compelling, moving, and inspiring can be difficult.

You know that you need to show, not tell, stories. And while that’s a helpful saying for authors, speakers need to show their stories even more.  

Because it’s not just about what you write in your script.

You see, you could add to your speech descriptions of thoughts and feelings of characters to help draw the readers in—like the best authors do.

But as a scriptwriter, you’ll realize that it’s much more powerful to take those descriptions out.

Instead, you can show thoughts and feelings through performance.

For the most part, crafting stories for the stage is actually about stripping away everything that’s not necessary, so you can perform.

That’s how you show your audience what’s possible for them using the power of storytelling.

Whether you are already a good storyteller, or if storytelling seems like a foreign language to you, in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll learn how to write stories that are suspenseful, funny, engaging, and moving.  

You’ll discover the most effective strategies and tools to tell better stories―stories that audiences love.

Throughout the course, you’ll uncover:

• The 3 types of categories that the best stories fall into―and why it’s important for your story-writing process.

How to create a catalog of stories―so you’ll never run out of stories again!

The difference between a story, a case study, and an anecdote—and how to choose what will work best for your speech.

How to use dialogue to draw your audience into your stories—and help them stay there.

The most important question to ask yourself when deciding what personal stories to share―and what ones are better left out.

How to tell painful stories in a way that benefits your audience―without provoking unwanted emotions.

How to come up with 30+ stories in just 5 minutes―this exercise will unlock stories hidden in the back of your mind and remind you of long-forgotten events.

The cure for boring speeches―how to infuse your speech with unexpected, engaging, and riveting contrast.

As you know, storytelling isn’t just telling a story, it’s setting the stage, drawing your audience into your adventure, and taking them on a journey from beginning to end.

Storytelling is an art.

And there’s a repeatable storycrafting process you’ll discover in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery that will transform the way you tell stories.

You’ll know exactly what details and moments to add to your story that will foster connection with your audience.

You’ll realize what stories are the most powerful for your message, and how to share them in the most effective and compelling way.

You won’t just tell stories. You’ll perform them… better than ever before.

Craft your speech with unforgettable stories, the type audience members keep talking about long after you’ve left the stage.


Know Exactly What to Fix (and how to do it)

We can all look back and remember a particularly stinging piece of “constructive criticism.” One that hit a little too deep. It might have been well-intentioned, but it definitely hurt.

Maybe that’s why we close off our creative endeavors to outsider comments and put up barriers around what we’ve worked so hard to build.

Perhaps you start winging it, and relying on your knowledge, confidence, and expertise. But really, you’re hiding your true vulnerable self behind a brick wall.

It’s scary putting your work out there. And letting other people not just see it, but give you feedback.

But feedback is key to massive improvement.

And in GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you get feedback that inspires you to openly share your ideas and struggles… and make transformational changes.

The feedback you’ll experience in this program is nothing like the stinging, scarring “constructive criticism” described above.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

You’ll get feedback that helps you realize what you’re really trying to say.

Suggestions that will transform your big idea. You’ll find answers to things that have been giving you trouble for months.

You’ll get suggestions and feedback that will help you find content that ensures your message lands—not just in their minds, but in their hearts as well.  

See for yourself what it’s like to be part of a truly awe-inspiring learning environment.

Experience remarkable safe and comfortable vulnerability…

Find answers to your questions (not just from your editors and coaches but from your fellow speakers as well…

Join a group of courageous people who, just like you, are making small, continuous improvements on a rewarding journey to mastery.

Here’s just a few things students have said about the feedback process:

“When you join HEROIC, you are not just getting best in class professional development, you are joining a supportive community and network that walks with you through your journey—whatever that looks like.”

- Steve DrumRetired

Navy SEAL & Professional Speaker

“Michael and Amy not only embrace you as a speaker but as human beings from different backgrounds and different experiences. They find a way to bring a group of diverse individuals together who bond and support each other in getting better as a professional speaker. They are the best in the business.”

- Ellen Latham

Founder, Orangetheory Fitness

“I have learned so much from the constructive input and guidance through each lesson of the course. You have helped me to understand more about my strengths and what areas I need to give more attention. Thank you for your guidance and support in my goal to become a referable speaker!”

- Stacy Fritz

Founder, Fit2order

“You'll grow your speaking and storytelling abilities at HPS. But it's the people who'll surround you who are the hidden bonus. If you want a supportive but productive place to grow your big ideas, HEROIC is your best bet.”

- Darcy Eikenberg

Coach and Author of Red Cape Rescue

“Amy, Michael, AJ and the HEROIC Faculty motivate, inspire, and guide you through the creative process in an absolutely safe and caring environment.”

- Jay Freedman

Co-Owner & Lead Restorative Dentist, Dental Implant Solutions of Greater Philadelphia

“Michael and Amy Port have created a safe and skillful space in which people can come together as a learning community and support one another's growth as creatives, intellectuals, performers, and transformative communicators.”

- Tammy Gooler

Loeb Coach & Consultant

“The respect and kindness they are able to show while offering the type of feedback that encourages students to make forward leaps and bounds in their performance is rare.”- Sonia D’AngioAdministrative Assistant, Entertainment Industry“A safe place to try, learn, and try again as you develop the craft of being on the stage and sharing your message...a team of faculty committed to designing and delivering the right experience for you wherever you are.”

- Michael Hudson

Professional Speaker

There’s no better place to develop craft than here.

Experience a safe and welcoming place where you are encouraged and inspired along every step of your journey.

Craft your speech and refine it, with the most personalized and effective feedback that polishes your speech and makes you shine.


Forget About the “Catchy” Title

As charismatic and charming as you are, you aren’t what event organizers want.

What event organizers really want is a transformational experience for their audience—in other words, a killer speech.

And one of the most powerful marketing tools you have to sell your speech is your session title and subtitle. When you have a title that persuades, convinces, and entices event organizers to choose you, you’re setting yourself up for success, before you even step on stage.

Many speakers will tell you that you need a catchy, sexy, funny, and clever title. But you don’t really need sparkles and fluff for your title.

In fact, there’s only two things your speech title needs to do:

First, tell the audience what your speech is about.

And second, convince your audience to watch it.

If your speech title does those two things, it’s golden. And we know, it’s easier said than done. But you won’t have to do it on your own.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, you’ll get to workshop different titles for your speech and get feedback to find a title that fits.

You’ll also discover:  

• The 5 elements of a successful session title and subtitle (spot them in real world examples and use them to create your own)

How to use the title brainstorm tool to come up with 40 different possible titles for your speech (some of them will suck, but you just might find a diamond in the rough).

Why you shouldn’t use your coined terms in your title or subtitle (even if they’re really clever or impressive).

The 2 essential components your title needs to work (the second one is all-too-often forgotten, but it’s crucial for capturing your audience’s attention).

The one type of title that will destroy your chances of reaching the keynote stage (even if you have a visionary speech).

How to make your speech title tight, convincing, and specific using the 7 different title types (the key is to think like a marketer, not a content creator).

You see, when you think like a marketer to invent a speech title and subtitle that captures your audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more, you’ll be able to speak to your audience’s emotions and connect with them—before you even step on stage.

A strong speech title can fill your audience (and event organizers) with anticipation, provoke curiosity, and show them that your speech is the perfect fit for them.

We’ll give you all the resources you need to come up with a persuasive title that convinces your audience that your speech is the one they absolutely need to hear.

Craft your speech with a title that sells.


Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

Time to take the pressure off a little bit.

A rehearsal-ready script is not a perfected, beautiful, final draft. Not at all!

Your rehearsal-ready script will have content that’s unexpected. Content that gives you goosebumps. And content that you’re proud to show the world.

But it might also have parts you’re still working on. It might have research or stories you still need to find. Some stories might need to be changed, revised, re-worked, or cut.

And that’s just fine. In fact, that’s what we expect.

Your speech is still in development, and it will continue to change and improve.

As you craft your rehearsal-ready script, you’ll have help every step of the way. You’ll get multiple coaching sessions from a master level member of the HEROIC Writing Faculty, live feedback on homework assignments from our visionary thought leader and HEROIC Partner, AJ Harper, and live virtual Masterclass sessions you can refer to again and again.

You’ll also discover:  

• How to write your script using the “stage-to-page” content creation strategy (this method works wonders and helps you write for the stage, not the page).

The perfect palette-cleanser for content creation (doing this every now and then when writing can help you fill the well and discover new ideas).

• How to tap into deeper ways of thinking to create unexpected inspiring content (and you only need 1 little tool to do this).

3 methods for getting unstuck when you hit a writing block (use these simple strategies to finish your script on time).  

The 6-step process to responding to feedback (and how to best use feedback to improve your script).

By the end of this transformational program, you’ll have written a script for your speech that you can begin to rehearse. As you rehearse your script, you’ll see what parts work, and what parts need to change. You’ll realize what you can improve and what you need to cut.

The scriptwriting process will continue as you enter the rehearsal process. Because as Michael and Amy Port like to say, “the speech is never done—but as soon as a speaker stops improving, they’re done for."

Craft your speech so that you’re ready to start rehearsing, and proud to show the world what you’ve crafted.

GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery Logo with GRAD bolded and Speech Writing Mastery in Serif font.GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery Logo with GRAD bolded and Speech Writing Mastery in Serif font.

Master a repeatable process for creating, building, and writing speeches that change the world—and your life.

An older woman, a HEROIC student, sits at a kitchen counter on the HEROIC campus, diligently writing and refining her speech during a CORE | The Breakthrough Experience session.
Speech bubble icon with list
Create a speech that's worthy of
life's biggest stages.
No sign icon
Stop customizing.
Start refining.
Speak icon
Craft a speech that works
every single time.
Speech bubble icon with list
Create a speech that's worthy of
life's biggest stages.
No sign icon
Stop customizing.
Start refining.
Speak icon
Craft a speech that works
every single time.

Event organizers aren’t choosing YOU.
They’re choosing your speech.

Contrary to popular belief, getting asked to speak more isn’t about “marketing yourself” better. It’s not about adding more content to your website to improve your credibility. And it’s definitely not about sending more unsolicited emails to event organizers (it’s their #1 pet peeve).

In fact, getting more gigs isn’t about you at all.

There’s just one thing that determines if you’ll get booked.

It’s your speech.

If you have a transformational speech―one that changes the way your audience feels and thinks (and earns you stageside leads every time you give it)―you’ll be able to build a sustainable speaking career.

You only need one speech to make the jump from good to extraordinary.

We’ll show you how to craft that speech.

The one that launches you into speaking success.
The one that changes your life.

Talk to an Advisor
Below: Students participating in-person at GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery.

Our Promise

In just 3 months, you’ll have a rehearsal-ready script. And you’ll learn the repeatable process for creating, building, and crafting a referable speech.

The Program

In this connected-distance learning program, you'll get visionary feedback, step-by-step instructions, and rallying support from a group of leaders just like you.

Discover the formula for developing new speeches that "WOW" your audience (and meeting planners) and transform your speaking career.

Craft one life-changing speech. And after you do, you'll be prepared to craft dozens more. This works for all types of presentations.


Minute TED-style talk


Minute Keynote Speech


Minute Workshop
Female student presenting her speech on stage to an audience of students during the GRAD | Stage Performance Mastery event at HEROIC Campus.


Minute TED-style talk


Minute Keynote Speech


Minute Workshop

The 10 Keys to Speech Writing Success

We’ve made script writing easier than ever before. Discover the 10 keys to speech writing success. These keys form part of the repeatable process for crafting truly transformational speeches. Speeches that earn you gigs—over and over again.

Female HEROIC student standing on stage with notepad delivering a speech to a room full of audience members at HEROIC Campus.

Find the One

Your speech is NOT for everyone (but that’s a good thing).

Your target audience is just as important as your content. Powerful language, stories, and examples aren't enough. To craft a speech with exponentially greater impact, you need to understand three powerful truths about your audience. Transmit your speech to the right audience, and you’ve won the battle before it even begins.

Read more


HEROIC Mentor Michael Hudson converses with Gretchen, a female student, near a window in the black-painted theater at HEROIC Campus.

Find Your Visionary Idea (It Might Be Hiding in Plain Sight)

Everything you need to make the jump from expert to visionary.

Don’t stand out among the experts, start playing a whole different game. Turn your good idea into a visionary speech—and escape the competitive, stagnant “how-to” zone of the speaking world. This is how to find the one thing that propels you out of Expertville and into Visionary Town.


Read more
Female HEROIC student standing on stage delivering a speech to a room full of audience members at HEROIC Campus.

Create Your Signature Intellectual Property

In just a few weeks, you’ll have a convincing and inspiring core message.

Refine, revise, and perfect the most valuable part of your speech: your unique intellectual property. Then turn it into assets, revenue, and impact through dozens of types of thought leadership products and services. This is more than just part of your speech—it’s the foundation of your entire business model.


Read more
Performance faculty coach Russell Ewing works with a woman student at a table in the HEROIC Campus kitchen, with a lamp behind them.

The HEROIC Speech-Writing Formula

Master the repeatable process for creating, organizing, and writing a transformational speech.

To deliver a truly transformational experience, you need a script. But not one that makes you seem robotic, stiff, or unnatural on stage. There’s a repeatable process for writing remarkable speeches, and it starts with our proprietary content development methodology. It makes everything easier.


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Female student adds a blue post-it to a collection already on the white wall in front of her.

Find Your Creative Flow

Stop waiting for inspiration to strike and start organizing.

Ignite your creativity by outlining your speech. The way you organize your speech can make or break your audience’s experience. Choose from one of the 7 most effective speech-writing frameworks—and make your speech easy for you to write and easy for your audience to understand and implement.


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Christian Espinosa headshot with spiked blonde hair, light blue undershirt, and black jacket.
Christian Espinosa headshot with spiked blonde hair, light blue undershirt, and black jacket.
Christian Espinosa

Founder of Blue Goat Cyber, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author

"I feel what I've learned HEROIC will not only help me on my current speech, but every speech I do moving forward. The frameworks, coaching, support, environment, and masterclasses are first rate! This has been a super challenging, transformative, and rewarding experience."

Female student thoughtfully writes notes on post-it notes and sticks them to a lit window in a darkened section of the room at HEROIC Campus.

Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block

It doesn’t matter if you think you're any good at writing or not.

There’s one simple mindset shift that empowers you to overcome feelings of inadequacy and start writing. Do this one simple thing every day to silence your inner critic, eliminate creativity killers and overcome all writing barriers—and finally craft the ground-breaking speech you’ve dreamt of.


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Focus on two female HEROIC students engaging actively in a session among other students in the theater at HEROIC Campus, with a lit lamp in the background.

Craft Captivating Stories

Share the types of stories that audiences will never forget.

“Show, don’t tell” is just the beginning. Write stories with less, so you can perform with more. Unlock your personal stories and come up with dozens of stories in minutes. This is the cure for boring speeches, and the key to fascinating your audience from the opener to the final applause.


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Male student smiling and laughing with performance faculty coach Keeley Miller on stage at HEROIC Campus.

Know Exactly What to Fix (And How)

Get expert feedback on your core message, your outline, and your script.

Feedback from family, friends, and even fellow speakers isn’t enough to craft a keynote-worthy speech. Visionary feedback is crucial to massive improvement and rapid results. Transform your writing with personalized feedback from HEROIC’s award-winning Writing Faculty.


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Group of students seated in the second row of the HEROIC Theater at HEROIC Campus, attentively listening to the session.

Forget About the “Catchy” Title

You need a speech title that sells.

Cut the sparkles and fluff. There’s only two things your speech title needs to do. If your title doesn’t do those two things, it won’t get the attention it deserves (no matter how good your speech is). Craft a title that paves the way to the keynote stage and attracts the attention of event planners, CEOs, and audience members.


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Female HEROIC performance faculty coach giving feedback to a female HEROIC student on stage at HEROIC Campus.

Write a Rehearsal-Ready Script

And remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect.

The “page-to-stage” content creation strategy will take you from blank pages to keynote stages. Get all the support you need to craft unexpected content that gives your audience goosebumps. Speech writing doesn’t end. You’ll keep revising and improving your speech in the next phase—the rehearsal process.


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Jenny Erickson headshot with plaid purple and blue shirt and short brown hair.
Jenny Erickson headshot with plaid purple and blue shirt and short brown hair.
Jenny Erickson

Learning Experience Designer at Unboxed Training & Technology

"The coaching was exactly what I needed to up-level my script and turn it from a 15-minute TED Style talk that combined some big ideas with some tactical how-tos, into a highly impactful keynote that has the power to change lives. I am looking forward to getting this thing live on a stage!"

Meet AJ Harper, your new writing mentor

After spending over 30 years as a ghostwriter, developmental editor, and book publisher, AJ helped develop HEROIC’s GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery program to teach speakers how to write speeches that sell.

But AJ doesn't just work with writers and speakers, she changes their lives.

You’re going to love AJ.

And she can’t wait to meet you.

AJ Harper, A woman with long brown hair and glasses is smiling slightly. She is wearing a denim jacket and is sitting indoors with some books stacked on a table behind her.

Who it’s for

This is an intensive program in speech writing for professional and aspiring speakers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and people on a mission to change lives. Is it for you?

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Professional Speakers

who want to increase their speaking fee and craft a referable speech that gets them new gigs every single time they give it.

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Ambitious Aspiring Speakers

who want to make their message more meaningful, more useful, and more inspiring for the audiences they serve (and want to make it to the keynote stage as fast as they can).

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Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

who want to craft a memorable message that produces a return on investment when they present to investors, shareholders, clients, customers, and employees.

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Knowledgeable Experts

who want to stand out from the crowd and are ready to take the leap to become highly sought-after thought leaders.

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Feedback-Averse Speakers

who are unwilling to accept supportive help and are convinced their first draft is the only draft they need.

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Impertinent Improvisers

who have winged their speeches for years and don’t like the idea of preparing their speech with a transformational script that will improve their performance.

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Paralyzed Perfectionists

who will never be happy if their work is anything less than perfect and are unable to accept their best effort, instead resorting to tearing themselves (and others) down.

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Shortcut Seekers

who are looking for the fastest, easiest, most effortless way to write an award-winning speech—but aren’t willing to do the work necessary to write a transformational speech.

Sarah Ohanesian headshot with shoulder length blonde hair, blue undershirt and tan jacket.
Sarah Ohanesian headshot with shoulder length blonde hair, blue undershirt and tan jacket.
Sarah Ohanesian

Co-Founder of Super Productive, Founder of SO Productive, Keynote Speaker

"Extreme accountability. If you are struggling to get it done. This program will help you turn an idea into a rehearsal-ready script and guide you through every step of their proven process."

Master a repeatable process for creating, building, and writing your speech.

The speech writing process you’ll master in just a few months is something very few speakers know about.

Just ask most speakers how they prepare. They’ll probably tell you they prepare slides, make an outline, jot down some notes, then hit the stage.

That’s the norm in today’s speaking industry. But the norm is never the path to success.

In GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery, we'll give you everything you need to craft a transformational speech. You’ll get:

Everything you need to craft a speech that changes the world.

When you script your content, you’ll make a bigger transformational impact on your audience. You’ll be more confident on stage. You’ll be able to improve your speech every time you give it (faster than ever before). And you’ll land more gigs, because you’ll have crafted a referable speech.

Talk to an Advisor
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We get it, writing an entire speech can seem frightening and overwhelming. But you’re not going to do it alone.

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You’ll have an entire writing team with award-winning writing coaches cheering you on during the program.

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By the end of the course, you’ll have used the HEROIC speech-writing formula to successfully craft a winning speech.

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And not just any speech—THE speech.

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The speech that will take your speaking career to the next level.

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The speech that will transform you from expert to visionary.

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The speech that will bring you financial freedom and long-awaited success.

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The speech that will change everything… for you and your audiences.

Talk to an Advisor

Script a speech that will change your life forever. Then script another. And another. And another. For the rest of your speaking career.

Start a conversation
Four female HEROIC event staff members pose for a group photo in the kitchen at HEROIC Campus, with a HEROIC-branded mirror and door decals in the background, set against a white wall.

“This process has worked for hundreds of speakers, just like you.”

Here's what HEROIC alumni have to say about GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery.

Courtney Forsberg headshot, who is a senior enrollment manager
Todd Herman
Todd Herman is a Keynote Speaker and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The Alter Ego Effect. He is a Heroic Grad Alum.

"I recently spoke at an event with thousands of attendees and some really big-name celebrity speakers. Because of the work I did with HPS, I was named the top-rated speaker of the entire event. Their process is a game-changer and that talk has spawned five more keynotes."

Courtney Forsberg headshot, who is a senior enrollment manager
Todd Herman
Todd Herman is a Keynote Speaker and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The Alter Ego Effect. He is a Heroic Grad Alum.

"I recently spoke at an event with thousands of attendees and some really big-name celebrity speakers. Because of the work I did with HPS, I was named the top-rated speaker of the entire event. Their process is a game-changer and that talk has spawned five more keynotes."

Courtney Forsberg headshot, who is a senior enrollment manager
Todd Herman
Todd Herman is a Keynote Speaker and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The Alter Ego Effect. He is a Heroic Grad Alum.

"I recently spoke at an event with thousands of attendees and some really big-name celebrity speakers. Because of the work I did with HPS, I was named the top-rated speaker of the entire event. Their process is a game-changer and that talk has spawned five more keynotes."


NASA Astronaut

“I spoke at IBM Think in Vegas yesterday. Home run. I felt it was by far my best speech ever and that is due to the great training you and the team are giving me. I "went big" and the audience reacted. I really felt in the zone and well connected to the audience … I took it to a new level. I got applause during the speech three times and many more laughs than I've ever gotten before. Many attendees (50+) came up afterwards, thanking me for the inspiration and for helping bring clarity to their paths. I had a couple of people say that I changed their lives. Three people got choked up with tears in their eyes while expressing their gratitude.”


Keynote Speaker, Author of High Velocity Hiring

“I was a good speaker when I came to HEROIC. Now, I deliver great keynotes with performances that entertain and inform. My speaking fee grew 50% in the year following my involvement and doubled the following year. I've recouped my investment many times over. Plus I'm part of a community of talented and diverse people whom I've come to know and love.”


Life Coach, Balanced Path Coaching, Keynote Speaker

“HEROIC was one of the best investments of my life. I didn’t sign up for GRAD to become a professional speaker. I just wanted to be more confidence and deliver better speeches. I did a talk yesterday about how to get back 10 hours a week to a group of 30 business owners. I got fantastic feedback and they’ve asked me to come back – 11 people reached out to work with me after my talk. Mind blown. The training I received from HEROIC has made me a better communicator in every way. I’ve paid back my investment in spades. I’m so incredibly grateful to everyone at HEROIC. Thank you for creating such a life-changing course.”


Founder of Lead Through Strengths

“I had a lot of rust. I hadn't spoken in front of an audience for 4 years. Fast forward: I'm so booked that events are coming out of my ears. 88 events so far this year, so I'm working on a new price sheet tomorrow to raise prices and stop wearing myself ragged. It has been an exciting year and a half, and I just wanted to give you a shout out for your huge contribution on getting me back into the groove as I launched.”

A Lifetime Return on Investment

After you master this repeatable process for speech writing, you’ll be able to apply the same core message development process to any type of presentation you give…for the rest of your life.

Just imagine what this could do for your speaking career…

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Develop a new speech every year.

Create new hit speeches that stay up to date with the latest news and trends and have multiple speeches ready to offer to your lifetime clients.

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Become the most transformational speaker.

Be known as the best, most entertaining, and most credible speaker in your fractal. The one audiences love. The one who event planners love to book for events. The one you've always dreamed of being.

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Never worry about getting booked again.

Get speaking invitations and stageside leads every time you give your referable speech—more than enough to fill up your calendar every single month.

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Script a speech that will change your life forever.

Write the best speeches of your life—because when you know how to create big ideas, catalog and organize content, and tell inspirational stories, speech writing becomes easier than ever.

Make an Investment

Enroll below for our March 2024 Cohort. Only 6 spots left!

Six Payments

Invest in your growth over time. Spread out payments over the course of 6 months


paid in 6 monthly payments of $2,025.00

Enroll now

Three Payments

Save $75 by paying in three installments.


paid in 3 monthly payments of $4,025.00

Enroll now
Special offer


Save $3,000 when you pay in full today.


paid in 3 monthly payments of $4,025.00

Enroll now

Price Increases in









Talk to an Advisor
Talk to an Advisor

Wondering if HEROIC is the right place for you? Let our advisors walk you through our programs, and show you how to get started.

Set up a meeting

Your Journey Begins Here.

Each year, HEROIC hosts four GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery Programs. In each cohort, we only accept 50 students, and spots fill up fast. Acceptance is not guaranteed. We curate each cohort carefully to make sure that everyone enrolled will be successful.


GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery

Thursday, August 29, 2024


GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery

Thursday, January 9, 2025


GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery

Thursday, March 13, 2025


GRAD | Speech Writing Mastery

Thursday, May 29, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Talk to an Advisor

Script a speech that will change your life forever. Then script another. And another. And another. For the rest of your speaking career.

Schedule a Call Now
A blonde HEROIC student engages with admissions team member Courtney Forsburg in the HEROIC Kitchen during an in-person event at HEROIC Campus.

Writing Faculty

Best-selling authors, editors, publishers, and professors have mastered the craft of writing and speech writing and they can help you master it as well. They'll guide you, give you visionary feedback, and help you put the finishing touches on your speech.

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