You're Not Actually In the "Speaking" Business After All
You're not in the speaking business. No, you're in the "relationship" business. The "event organizer relationship" business, to be more precise.
Yes, those nonstop email exchanges, zoom meetings, and phone calls with event organizers are like the spinal cord of your living, breathing career.
Without those strong connections, everything would crumble.
So, the longer you can maintain relationships with event organizers, the more often you will get gigs. This holds true even if your contact switches organizations, moves to a new city, or starts hosting a different kind of event.
After you establish a relationship and deliver a stellar speech for one event organizer, they are more likely to book you again in the future.
There's just one catch…
Audiences like variety. So, your chances of speaking at the same event two years in a row are pretty slim. In fact, my chances are only about 1 in 22 that I'll grace a stage in back-to-back years.
(Those chances are low, but not zero. I have some specific tactics you can use if you want to win a gig two years in a row. But, I'll save those goodies for another week.)
So, if you book a gig in 2022, you most likely won't speak again in 2023. However, your chances of speaking at that same event in 2024 are actually pretty good!
For me, the chances increase to 1 in 9! That's why it pays to keep your relationship with the event organizer going strong for those 18 months after you speak.
By the way… this all works assuming three things.
- Your speech is referable.
- You always deliver.
- You're a transformational speaker.
(Learn more about what these mean in the book The Referable Speaker, which I co-authored with Michael Port.)