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What EXACTLY Is a Thought Leader?

Six essential attributes set genuine thought leaders apart from the rest.

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Published on
August 12, 2024
As you develop these six essential attributes, you’ll leave your mark in the thought leadership community.

We’ve spent the last five months researching and analyzing what it truly takes to be a thought leader today. As you’ve joined us on this exciting journey—and shared your ideas with us—we’ve compiled the definitions, attributes, and practices that make up the pieces of the thought leader puzzle.


We discovered thought leaders aren’t experts, they’re visionaries. We researched how they build thriving communities, and learned there are four different types of followers—and each one needs and wants something different. 


We realized content creation for thought leaders is anything but traditional, and you could benefit greatly by aerating your ideas as you create content. We learned authenticity isn’t just about what you do, but also what you avoid doing. 


But amidst all these new realizations, we’re brought back to our original question: What EXACTLY is a thought leader? 


How can we combine this knowledge and define this loaded term in a timeless way—in a way that makes a lasting impact and goes beyond traditional tips and conventional wisdom? 

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The Four Thought Leader Archetypes 


The thought leadership landscape is constantly evolving—and everyone has something to bring to the table. As we’ve analyzed what it truly takes to be a thought leader, four archetypes emerge. These different types of thought leaders show the diversity and dynamism of those who shape our thinking. 


Understanding these categories can help us navigate the wealth of information and ideas, discerning the genuine thought leaders from the rest. 


Intellectual Titans


These thought leaders are the intellectual giants of our time. People like David Brooks, Gail Collins, Charles Blow, and Peggy Noonan champion this category, as they dive deep into complex issues, providing nuanced analysis and sophisticated insights. 


Their work often bridges academia and the public sphere, making high-level concepts accessible and engaging. 


Famous Visionaries


These individuals are dedicated to transformative ideas that have the power to change lives and organizations. Brené Brown, Jay Shetty, and Simon Sinek are just a few examples of famous visionaries who’ve taken the world by storm with their unique research. 


These thought leaders approach their subjects with gravity and depth, offering profound insights into human behavior, leadership, and societal change. Their ideas are serious, well researched, and deeply impactful. 


Pop Culture Gurus


Who better than Tim Ferriss, Eric Thomas, Mel Robbins, and Joe Rogan to represent this category? These pop culture gurus blend intelligence with a keen sense of current trends. Their charm and relatability, combined with their X-factor, make them favorites among a broad audience.


They’re in tune with what’s happening in the world and adept at bringing sophisticated ideas into the mainstream. 


Industry Mavericks


Industry Mavericks are experts who challenge the status quo within their fields to do visionary work. They bring fresh, innovative perspectives that push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Their ability to disrupt and innovate makes them leaders who aren’t just respected, but followed with enthusiasm.


Innovative thinkers like marketing masterminds Ann Handley and Andrew Davis, brain performance expert Jim Kwik, and environmental activist Leah Thomas are a few big names in this category. 

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Andrew Davis isn’t just an Industry Maverick, he also champions HEROIC’s thought leadership in the business of speaking.

While these four archetypes might seem unattainable and far-flung at first, there are six simple attributes each one of these leaders has in common. You see, thought leaders aren’t mysterious all-knowing entities; they’re humans who’ve put in the deep work to be better leaders and create visionary ideas. 


The Six Essential Attributes 


These six timeless attributes make a true thought leader. With dedication and determination, anyone can develop these characteristics as they embark on their thought leadership journey. 




Humility is the cornerstone of a true thought leader. Despite their expertise, accolades, and awards, the most effective thought leaders remain grounded and approachable. They openly acknowledge they don’t have all the answers. 


They’re open to learning new things—not just from people “above” them who are more accomplished and knowledgeable, but from everyone around them, including their followers. True thought leaders value input from all levels of their community. 


Famous visionary Simon Sinek recently talked about this at the ServiceNow Sales Kickoff. He shared that the true mark of humility is listening to the ideas of others. He said it’s humility “that keeps you ahead of the game, for longer.” 


This type of humility builds trust and respect. It enhances collaboration and invites people to value fresh insights and diverse perspectives. And the research supports this—discriminating and engaged followers appreciate experts who are open, transparent, and have a high index of learning and feedback. 


This attribute fosters a connected and inclusive environment where others feel safe to share their ideas, not just for the sake of engagement but to authentically learn and improve.  




For thought leaders, empathy means genuinely understanding and caring about the needs, wants, and experiences of their followers. This type of empathy requires a high level of emotional intelligence, as well as an authentic interest in the day-to-day of your followers. 


The research shows that your trusted followers want to see you in person and connect with you—especially at live speaking events. They want to be understood and they want authentic connection. 


Brené Brown embodies both humility and empathy in her research. While speaking about You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience, a book she co-authored with Tarana Burke, Brown said she realized the way she presented her research didn’t always resonate with all members of her community. 


She knew something had to change. “I want to figure out how to better serve,” she said. And so she did—when Tarana Burke shared the idea for the book, she immediately agreed, and they dove deep.  


Brown says that during the process of co-creating the book, she “had this really paradoxical experience of a deeper understanding of how much more I have to learn about the Black experience, yet I saw myself and connected deeply to the shared humanity of the yearnings.”


Knowing your followers—not just seeing them as numbers or faces in a crowd—allows you to incorporate what they are feeling, thinking, and experiencing into your work. Not only does it foster a deep connection, it also helps you craft messages that matter and come up with solutions that resonate—on a personal level. That’s what truly drives engagement and loyalty. 




The ability to recover quickly from any setback is essential for successful leadership. But a thought leader isn’t just resilient to save their own skin. You see, the best thought leaders remain steadfast and determined in their mission and vision as a way of giving back to the audience.


Their eternal optimism in the face of adversity and uncertainty helps people embrace change and find a path to success—no matter what market disruption comes their way. Your followers, especially the discriminating and engaged group, worry about the negative consequences of not being able to keep up with the latest insights. They need a resilient and optimistic leader to be their example. 


Thought leaders work to master their craft. They strive for excellence and continuously develop their character. Here at HEROIC, we have the privilege of watching speakers and leaders tackle writing a speech and mastering stage performance in a short period of time. 


Their resilience is exemplary. Anyone who has done deep work knows just how essential resilience is for self-improvement. Overcoming the challenges of crafting a winning speech and becoming a best-in-class performer prepares you for overcoming adversity as a thought leader as well. 




This is all about bringing fresh, innovative ideas to the table, ones that challenge conventional wisdom. The research shows new ideas are one of the most important distinguishers of a true thought leader. They’re not afraid to think outside the box and challenge the status quo—even if it means failure. 


They’re original, but they’re also humble. When they introduce a potentially groundbreaking new approach, they’re completely honest. Perhaps they say, “I don’t know if this is going to work, but we’re going to try it.” 


This captures the attention—and the admiration—of their audience and industry. Just by being willing to experiment, investigate, and search for new ideas, they set new, higher standards for their industry. 


Your audience craves original ideas. But you don’t have to come up with them all on your own.  


Collaboration is key for ideation and success in the thought leadership scene. Originality thrives in environments that value fresh perspectives and new insights. When you’re willing to share and collaborate with others, you’ll promote your own innovative thinking. 


Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan are excellent examples of the power of collaboration. They both constantly invite, interview, and brainstorm with a huge variety of experts and successful individuals—and groundbreaking ideas come out of it. 




Now, this is where a lot of thought leaders fall apart. Being honest, having strong morals and principles, and being transparent in the marketplace aren’t commonplace in the world today.


Having high ethical standards is essential for leadership. When your actions align with your words and your message—when you keep the promises you make to your followers—you build credibility and trust. They can rely on you and recognize you as someone who is dependable. 


When Andy Crestodina, co-founder of Orbit Media, asked Seth Godin about thought leadership and taking a stand, he said: “Thought leadership always creates tension. It’s about making assertions. You have to be willing to be wrong. You can be certain that some people will disagree.” 


So take a stand. Demonstrate your commitment to doing what is right, even when it’s unpopular, difficult, or risky. 




As a leader, your courage inspires others to step out of their comfort zone, put your ideas into practice, and pursue their own goals. When you champion a controversial, original, or new idea, you must also infuse your audience with the courage to move forward with you and try your idea. 


How? By being that beacon of hope. Show them you’re willing to defend a monumental vision, take bold actions, and venture into uncharted territory. Courage is the willingness to take some risks and face difficulties head on—especially if it scares you. 


Every time you courageously put an idea or message out into the world, you’re taking a risk. But as you do, you encourage your followers to do the same.  


Be a HEROIC Thought Leader  


Thought leaders can make a profound impact on their communities and change the lives of their followers as they constantly strive to develop these six attributes. 


You see, when you spell out what makes a true thought leader, you see that they are: 


  • Humble
  • Empathetic
  • Resilient
  • Original
  • Integrous
  • Courageous 


That’s right, they’re HEROIC. 


Whether you choose to be an industry maverick, a famous visionary, an intellectual titan, or a pop culture guru (or form a new category altogether), incorporating these essential qualities into your work and your life will help you become a hero in the eyes of your followers. 


Because heroes aren’t just people who save lives, they’re people who change lives. And that’s what authentic thought leaders do, every day.  


You can be HEROIC too. It doesn’t matter how big or small your following is. The grandeur or insignificance of your past is unimportant. You don’t need to know everything, and you don’t need friends in high places or powerful connections. 


All you need is an unwavering commitment to serving your community and a willingness to relentlessly pursue new ideas. As you do so with humility, empathy, resilience, originality, integrity, and courage, you’ll become a truly HEROIC thought leader, one who changes the world, one visionary idea at a time. 

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The Four Thought Leader Archetypes 


The thought leadership landscape is constantly evolving—and everyone has something to bring to the table. As we’ve analyzed what it truly takes to be a thought leader, four archetypes emerge. These different types of thought leaders show the diversity and dynamism of those who shape our thinking. 


Understanding these categories can help us navigate the wealth of information and ideas, discerning the genuine thought leaders from the rest. 


Intellectual Titans


These thought leaders are the intellectual giants of our time. People like David Brooks, Gail Collins, Charles Blow, and Peggy Noonan champion this category, as they dive deep into complex issues, providing nuanced analysis and sophisticated insights. 


Their work often bridges academia and the public sphere, making high-level concepts accessible and engaging. 


Famous Visionaries


These individuals are dedicated to transformative ideas that have the power to change lives and organizations. Brené Brown, Jay Shetty, and Simon Sinek are just a few examples of famous visionaries who’ve taken the world by storm with their unique research. 


These thought leaders approach their subjects with gravity and depth, offering profound insights into human behavior, leadership, and societal change. Their ideas are serious, well researched, and deeply impactful. 


Pop Culture Gurus


Who better than Tim Ferriss, Eric Thomas, Mel Robbins, and Joe Rogan to represent this category? These pop culture gurus blend intelligence with a keen sense of current trends. Their charm and relatability, combined with their X-factor, make them favorites among a broad audience.


They’re in tune with what’s happening in the world and adept at bringing sophisticated ideas into the mainstream. 


Industry Mavericks


Industry Mavericks are experts who challenge the status quo within their fields to do visionary work. They bring fresh, innovative perspectives that push the boundaries of conventional thinking. Their ability to disrupt and innovate makes them leaders who aren’t just respected, but followed with enthusiasm.


Innovative thinkers like marketing masterminds Ann Handley and Andrew Davis, brain performance expert Jim Kwik, and environmental activist Leah Thomas are a few big names in this category. 

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While these four archetypes might seem unattainable and far-flung at first, there are six simple attributes each one of these leaders has in common. You see, thought leaders aren’t mysterious all-knowing entities; they’re humans who’ve put in the deep work to be better leaders and create visionary ideas. 


The Six Essential Attributes 


These six timeless attributes make a true thought leader. With dedication and determination, anyone can develop these characteristics as they embark on their thought leadership journey. 




Humility is the cornerstone of a true thought leader. Despite their expertise, accolades, and awards, the most effective thought leaders remain grounded and approachable. They openly acknowledge they don’t have all the answers. 


They’re open to learning new things—not just from people “above” them who are more accomplished and knowledgeable, but from everyone around them, including their followers. True thought leaders value input from all levels of their community. 


Famous visionary Simon Sinek recently talked about this at the ServiceNow Sales Kickoff. He shared that the true mark of humility is listening to the ideas of others. He said it’s humility “that keeps you ahead of the game, for longer.” 


This type of humility builds trust and respect. It enhances collaboration and invites people to value fresh insights and diverse perspectives. And the research supports this—discriminating and engaged followers appreciate experts who are open, transparent, and have a high index of learning and feedback. 


This attribute fosters a connected and inclusive environment where others feel safe to share their ideas, not just for the sake of engagement but to authentically learn and improve.  




For thought leaders, empathy means genuinely understanding and caring about the needs, wants, and experiences of their followers. This type of empathy requires a high level of emotional intelligence, as well as an authentic interest in the day-to-day of your followers. 


The research shows that your trusted followers want to see you in person and connect with you—especially at live speaking events. They want to be understood and they want authentic connection. 


Brené Brown embodies both humility and empathy in her research. While speaking about You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience, a book she co-authored with Tarana Burke, Brown said she realized the way she presented her research didn’t always resonate with all members of her community. 


She knew something had to change. “I want to figure out how to better serve,” she said. And so she did—when Tarana Burke shared the idea for the book, she immediately agreed, and they dove deep.  


Brown says that during the process of co-creating the book, she “had this really paradoxical experience of a deeper understanding of how much more I have to learn about the Black experience, yet I saw myself and connected deeply to the shared humanity of the yearnings.”


Knowing your followers—not just seeing them as numbers or faces in a crowd—allows you to incorporate what they are feeling, thinking, and experiencing into your work. Not only does it foster a deep connection, it also helps you craft messages that matter and come up with solutions that resonate—on a personal level. That’s what truly drives engagement and loyalty. 




The ability to recover quickly from any setback is essential for successful leadership. But a thought leader isn’t just resilient to save their own skin. You see, the best thought leaders remain steadfast and determined in their mission and vision as a way of giving back to the audience.


Their eternal optimism in the face of adversity and uncertainty helps people embrace change and find a path to success—no matter what market disruption comes their way. Your followers, especially the discriminating and engaged group, worry about the negative consequences of not being able to keep up with the latest insights. They need a resilient and optimistic leader to be their example. 


Thought leaders work to master their craft. They strive for excellence and continuously develop their character. Here at HEROIC, we have the privilege of watching speakers and leaders tackle writing a speech and mastering stage performance in a short period of time. 


Their resilience is exemplary. Anyone who has done deep work knows just how essential resilience is for self-improvement. Overcoming the challenges of crafting a winning speech and becoming a best-in-class performer prepares you for overcoming adversity as a thought leader as well. 




This is all about bringing fresh, innovative ideas to the table, ones that challenge conventional wisdom. The research shows new ideas are one of the most important distinguishers of a true thought leader. They’re not afraid to think outside the box and challenge the status quo—even if it means failure. 


They’re original, but they’re also humble. When they introduce a potentially groundbreaking new approach, they’re completely honest. Perhaps they say, “I don’t know if this is going to work, but we’re going to try it.” 


This captures the attention—and the admiration—of their audience and industry. Just by being willing to experiment, investigate, and search for new ideas, they set new, higher standards for their industry. 


Your audience craves original ideas. But you don’t have to come up with them all on your own.  


Collaboration is key for ideation and success in the thought leadership scene. Originality thrives in environments that value fresh perspectives and new insights. When you’re willing to share and collaborate with others, you’ll promote your own innovative thinking. 


Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan are excellent examples of the power of collaboration. They both constantly invite, interview, and brainstorm with a huge variety of experts and successful individuals—and groundbreaking ideas come out of it. 




Now, this is where a lot of thought leaders fall apart. Being honest, having strong morals and principles, and being transparent in the marketplace aren’t commonplace in the world today.


Having high ethical standards is essential for leadership. When your actions align with your words and your message—when you keep the promises you make to your followers—you build credibility and trust. They can rely on you and recognize you as someone who is dependable. 


When Andy Crestodina, co-founder of Orbit Media, asked Seth Godin about thought leadership and taking a stand, he said: “Thought leadership always creates tension. It’s about making assertions. You have to be willing to be wrong. You can be certain that some people will disagree.” 


So take a stand. Demonstrate your commitment to doing what is right, even when it’s unpopular, difficult, or risky. 




As a leader, your courage inspires others to step out of their comfort zone, put your ideas into practice, and pursue their own goals. When you champion a controversial, original, or new idea, you must also infuse your audience with the courage to move forward with you and try your idea. 


How? By being that beacon of hope. Show them you’re willing to defend a monumental vision, take bold actions, and venture into uncharted territory. Courage is the willingness to take some risks and face difficulties head on—especially if it scares you. 


Every time you courageously put an idea or message out into the world, you’re taking a risk. But as you do, you encourage your followers to do the same.  


Be a HEROIC Thought Leader  


Thought leaders can make a profound impact on their communities and change the lives of their followers as they constantly strive to develop these six attributes. 


You see, when you spell out what makes a true thought leader, you see that they are: 


  • Humble
  • Empathetic
  • Resilient
  • Original
  • Integrous
  • Courageous 


That’s right, they’re HEROIC. 


Whether you choose to be an industry maverick, a famous visionary, an intellectual titan, or a pop culture guru (or form a new category altogether), incorporating these essential qualities into your work and your life will help you become a hero in the eyes of your followers. 


Because heroes aren’t just people who save lives, they’re people who change lives. And that’s what authentic thought leaders do, every day.  


You can be HEROIC too. It doesn’t matter how big or small your following is. The grandeur or insignificance of your past is unimportant. You don’t need to know everything, and you don’t need friends in high places or powerful connections. 


All you need is an unwavering commitment to serving your community and a willingness to relentlessly pursue new ideas. As you do so with humility, empathy, resilience, originality, integrity, and courage, you’ll become a truly HEROIC thought leader, one who changes the world, one visionary idea at a time. 

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