HEROIC Insights

Trends & Resources for Thought Leaders

For Speakers

Handling unexpected situations on stage doesn’t have to be scary.

Find high-quality, fast-closing leads for your business.


Why I Don’t Swear On Stage Anymore

For Authors

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re struggling to finish your book.


Unlock the secrets to lucrative book sales with innovative 'Happy Meal' pricing strategy!

It’s the daily progress that begets the big ideas and aha moments.


For Thought Leaders

It’s much more than just being an expert in your field.

A highly-criticized Super Bowl show teaches a powerful lesson in dealing with criticism.

Your past doesn’t matter, but your performance skills today do.

Listen to Steal the Show

What it Takes to Become a Speaker-Author

It’s no coincidence that successful speaker-authors rarely stop at one book.

Josh Bernoff
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HEROIC | Insights is the most trusted source of information, advice, and inspiration for speakers, authors, and thought leaders. We're always thinking of ways to make our content more valuable for you. If you have a question Google can't answer or an idea for an article you'd like to see, we'd love to hear it.

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A male HEROIC student stands alone on stage, delivering his speech in the theater at HEROIC Campus, with a vivid blue curtain as the backdrop. The photo focuses closely on him, capturing his presence without including others.